Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Can You Still Be Pregnant With A Low Cervix

auto sales plummet in Mexico

Sales in the automotive sector reached its lowest level in January-September period of the last 10 years, recording the sale of 530 000 163 units in the first nine months 2009, against sales that exceeded even the 700 thousand units.

According to information from the Mexican Association of Automobile Dealers (AMDA) headed by José Gómez Báez, said after registering growth of almost 100,000 units year to year since 2000, the January sales to September of this year are the lowest for that period for a decade.

In January-September 2000 light vehicle sales in Mexico amounted to 592 000 398; for the same period in 2001 the figure rose to 651 000 822 units, in 2002, sales were 706 thousand 690 vehicles, while in 2003 was 691 000 148 units.

For the reference period but in 2004 the figure had risen to 758 000 430 light vehicles sold, which was exceeded by 794 000 2005 with 084 units, and by 2006 the figure reached 799 thousand 676 vehicles, a figure that fell slightly in 2007 to reach 778 000 653 762 000 vehicles and 394 units 2008.


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