Calderon said the shortcomings of Luz y Fuerza del Centro (LFC) failed to generate 100 000 jobs in the center of the country, but said that sooner or later
will create many more jobs
than 44 000 eliminated in the parastatal.
In justifying again their decree closing the parastatal said the country's economy increased between 0.5 and one percent of gross domestic product due to power failures, moreover, his government earmarked a subsidy equivalent to double the budget of the Ministry of National Defense.
meal in the 75 anniversary of Nacional Financiera (Nafin), its director, Hector Rangel Domene, called brave and historic decision to liquidate the LFC, because it will bring savings to the government and will improve conditions for investment Private Area
Congratulations, Mr. President
said the former leader of the Bankers Association Mexico. The audience applauded standing.
A day after tens of thousands of EMS workers and other unions marched in protest against the order to liquidate the company, LFC Calderon blamed for hundreds of companies have not been installed in the center of the country and prefer to go elsewhere or, worse, other countries, where they had the guarantee of a reliable and efficient.
He complained that his government would be allocated each year increasing subsidies, which in 2009 resulted in 42 billion pesos, ie the budget of several Mexican states.
From the perspective of Calderon worst thing is that LFC had a negative impact on the national economy
. Facing
Nafin employees, said that the shortcomings in electricity service, cuts, voltage changes and, above all, lack of capacity to expand the supply were an obstacle to growth, economic development and employment generation in this area of \u200b\u200bthe country.
To illustrate these
economic losses, said that amounted to nearly one thousand megawatts-equivalent to 10 percent of the distribution capacity of the area-business applications for electric service in the valley of Mexico and the states of the zone without being served .
thousand megawatts , conservatively, if we equate the power consumption of the industry or trade, we are talking about lack of electrical connections would have ceased to generate over 100 thousand jobs in the country's central
, said.
In its renewed criticism of the parastatal, said domestic and industrial users were to wait almost four times longer to connect than the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), and that's without considering the overwhelming
differences they had in relation to international standards.
exhibited, for example, that the supermarket chains in the valley of Mexico have had to invest in recent years an average of 400 million pesos to meet the lack of service, voltage changes and gaps in delivery.
In most cases, figures on the economic damage caused Pemex, said the timing of interruptions of light in the area was three times higher than what is presented in the rest of the country served by the CFE. Carstens
raises to critical
Meanwhile, Agustin Carstens, Secretary of the Treasury and Public Credit, said that they are mistaken who believe the economic package for 2010-which includes the collection of a tax of 2 percent-is recessive, because is designed to provide solid growth.
noted that there is no worse enemy of growth and no worse poison to the creation of jobs that an environment of instability. He assured that the resources allocated to poverty problems will not help alleviate the shortages, but that the families overcome.
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