Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sharp Elbow When Pushing

Multicolored Silver Anniversary of the newspaper El Popular

As a teenager, fourth nothing mattered hour and a quarter of a century was an unreachable eternity.

Today, 17 September 2009, as if just 25 seconds have elapsed, is the 25th anniversary of the founding of the People daily. Hits

persistent frenzied bells echo in the doors of my memory and my heart. Is that I had become one of the midwives of this newspaper.

was the first daily in Peru printed with full color pages, strip and removed, first to contract.

was an extraordinary effort, cutting edge business group that had built this great flagship called The Republic.
was part of the dream of William Thorndike stubborn in Peru launched a frivolous evening great run.

brand was because he had left the flagship tabloid Last Time and La Tercera.

But there was another sharp eye, that of Gustavo Mohme Llona, \u200b\u200bwho spared no effort to put to sea the new ship.

ETERNAL TOAST. Gustavo Mohme Llona and William Thorndike makers of The Republic and The People.

Today's Popular maintains its own market and try to expand it.

can accept or reject your line a little more "chichosa" that funny or entertaining.

sometimes assumed. To take seriously the policy.

Occasionally I do not know if he was right.

Our politicians and senior civil servants triggers. Each day strive to star in police actions, if not circus.

Of course, in sports and shows you step on the difficult poncho.

No one can deny that it has The People's roots in the public and is a solid pillar of its publishing group.

Silver anniversary memories ...

been a quarter century. How do you feel? I wonder in this solitude attic. Mountains

nostalgia, I answer as talking to the mirror of time. Great pride. How parades

clear the memory of the great adventure that happy fellow journalist!

Ah ... and writing this report, I feel that emotion again vividly the first challenge. That

bittersweet anguish we feel the months of collections, desires, anxieties, trials, issues zero, which claimed the birth of El Popular.

was as if you had been recruited for a war.

I trained both, and you expect to enter at any time in actual battle.

Again and again, we warned, guys, let yourself pod! Morning drive! ...

! Many battle stations! ... Until I finally saw the light by 17 September.

We were so tired and frustrated enough that it seemed a dream, a drill more.

But it was true! There was the first number in our trembling hands, warm as the daily bread.

The first cover

could forget that first cover!

A week before I went to Chimbote Rolando Angeles, the beloved master of life and photojournalism.

We had the slogan to make a sensational story, or tabloid, on a gold fever broke out in the mouth of the Rio Santa. In the field

found that was true.

But the fever was not a source of sudden wealth to a ragged army that stirred tons of sand to wash and collect a few ounces of gold.

unemployed were trapped by poverty. Ex

agricultural workers, steel, fishermen, their families driven into poverty by the huge financial meltdown of that rich region.

Those who did did business were ineffable characters they buy tiny amounts of the precious metal to collect amounts more or less negotiable.

went for a back story with an amazing and heartbreaking drama.

That was disagreement with one of our editors.

Angeles and I we re to Republic, but the news of men, women and ragged children, gold seekers in the Bay of Chimbote, was the front page of the first edition of The People.

There is so much ink in the ink!

Another auspicious day we may have time to recount in detail amplitude and the history of the People's Republic Group.

Today I left wrapped only by the inevitable kidnapping of emotion and nostalgia that stretch passionate adventure of life.

But never could put an end to this chronic without raising my tribute, my love and thanks to all the team of talents that made possible the birth of El Popular.

mention them all would be a matter of not completing the text. To risk any omission inexcusable.

A big hug Whose Oscar Ramos and in your name, a hug for all the founders absent and present.


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