The difficult and sometimes precarious conditions in which they engaged in the profession as a journalist in Peru is reflected in the deep institutional crisis surrounding the guild the media in all genres.
Historic Peru Federation of Journalists, the Journalists' Association should be paradigms in the labor unions, social security, freedom of press and information ethics, however languishing without power or effective representation to the branches of government and Peruvian society.
This unfortunate situation does not agree, however, the important role being played, each in its field, institutions like the National Association of Journalists, APN, the Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, IPYS, Press Club of Lima, but are isolated and partial efforts.
laws that protect and guarantee the free exercise of journalism, employment benefits Peruvian journalist, his right to a dignified retirement, life and family access to health services, safeguarding their physical integrity, etc.. Are dead letter and mocked by many companies that own the media and the state itself.
Being a journalist in Peru is to exercise a sort of second-class profession. Of course we are not here talking about individual cases counted are the exception to the rule.
We refer specifically to old and young journalists who are exploited for poverty wages and who are systematically denied the eight hours of overtime pay, rest two days a week, sorted by Republic Act.
Not to mention the journalists dismissed from their places of work after many years have contributed to the prestige and enrichment of large companies and now facing the serious drama of unemployment without access to social security.
Thousands of journalists, especially in the provinces are working without social security and unprotected from abuse and attacks in his grievance by corrupt officials and crime, especially drug traffickers.
What happens in the regions and provinces Peruvian daily beat, harass or cause property damage by at least one journalist? The ANP at least spread the allegations. What about the other guilds of the press? The attackers, if not corrupt regional or local authorities or police and even judges, are common criminals. So provincial journalists working across multiple fires.
But not all of these attacks job and career from external factors. Journalists themselves have thrown in the towel and we have allowed our association to atomize the disunity, lack of solidarity, fully aware of our rights and firmness to defend them. We have a professional body which is a engaƱamuchachos since it is optional.
What is the College?
Journalist Act, theoretically in force, and has ordered that for a journalist or holding a social communicator in the press area, image or public relations agencies of the state must necessarily be collegial.
Let's look at what is happening in the ministries, Congress, Judiciary and see how the bureaucracy golden mockery of this device in the shadow of power.
Worst of all, the College of Journalists of Peru in the larger debate disrepute after he fell into the hands of successive groups of seudoperiodistas who plundered and defiled. The current policy
just trample the Constitution and the law in deciding to extend his mandate by agreement of a meeting of deans departmental void in the style of Manuel Burga of the FPF or Fujimori. And what is so far the stock of the defense and representation of members of the order?
Federation Challenge
On Sunday 13 September, hopefully this time the cabal operate in reverse-there are elections in the Federation of Journalists of Peru, flagship institution founded 59 years ago by a different union leaders political ideology, but with deep conviction and unionist libertarian.
The first government of former President Fernando Belaunde Terry legislated and first recognized the journalistic profession and created the famous stamp with which funds local modern built the PNA and the PPF.
Over the years, the management of the PPF was sinking into mediocrity, until the institution was at the hands of leaders that became outlaws booty bandits.
l ownership Abancay Avenue building was to be lost because he had no legal sanitation. Honest leaders including the current count, at least have avoided this misfortune, but little has been done to revive a dying institution without funds and with a sea of \u200b\u200bdebt.
Sunday 13 applying for a new period in the PPF CEN colleague Bernardino RodrĆguez Carpio, topping the No. 2 and accompanying professional acquaintances with moral and union experience.
Among his proposals are urgent action to revitalize the union and return to the role of irreducible FPP bastion of press freedom.
also raise new generations to call professionals with the creation of a Federation of Students Center for Journalism and Social Communication.
Federated and non-members must support a list Bernardino Rodriguez in this challenge. Then we will show further steps hand in hand with the other institutions of the Peruvian press.
More: Journalism
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