Monday, September 7, 2009

Buying Horse From Fallon Taylor

The 2030 would be the beginning of the end

On Thursday 3 September the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned mankind that "the Arctic is warming faster than anywhere else in the earth "and" could be ice in the summer of 2030. "

Ban Ki-moon, the highest dignitary of the international community, launched this message to all nations from the international base at Ny Alesund, a Norwegian archipelago where does scientific observation station more northern climate of the planet.

In this remote corner of the world, a select group of scientists observed day and night behavior of the northern polar cap and the effects of global warming called.

ATALAYA. From this corner of the world, seemingly insignificant, a group of scientists are sounding the alarm

What if the polar ice disappears? Better not think about it. Overwhelm the continent's seas, climate change both on the planet that humans and other living things developed above and may disappear of the earth.

Korean Nationality, high international official is a political campaign or leadership exercised some religious sect that preached the imminent end of the world. Nor

runs a media alarmist, sensationalist "chicha", which aims to make more money scaring his audience.

Ban Ki-moon visited the base at Ny Alesund to directly observe and verify what has been reported by scientists from around the world with accurate measurements and detached from political or religious ideologies.

ASSUME CHALLENGE. Ban Ki-moon and King Harald of Norway in their final meeting last week.

Hope Copenhagen

The visit of UN Secretary General was also a preliminary step in the preparatory program for the Copenhagen Climate Summit to be held within 100 days. There

world leaders and their teams of scientists, seek agreements and more effective measures than those already made in the Kyoto Conference to prevent pollution emissions make deadly collapse of life on the planet.

Humanity Coenhague expected that governments around the world and super-powerful transnational companies which govern the practice and decide the fate of the world are able to avoid self-destruction of human civilization.

Otherwise, it is more than likely that will come the end times spoken of in almost all world religions, collapse would not occur by divine action or an accident caused by a celestial body outside the earth, but by action of the human being.

MAXIMUM DANGER. Literally the ice is melting in the hands of humanity
(Photo taken from The New York Times)

An abandoned coal mine

NY Aalesund was a century ago, a coal mine. In 1926 Roald Amundsen left here for the Arctic bruzar zeppelin.

Today is scientifically based international laboratories of several countries where up to 120 researchers work in summer and 25 in winter. In addition, the town has become obligatory stop for tour boats that cruise the Svalbard islands. Other mills

watching the latest technology, there operates a seawater laboratory experiments that allows long process in cold water, for example pollution and climate simulation techniques.

Source: Agencies



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