Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Peacock Name Card Holder

ncreasing 19% house price in Mexico

Prices of new and used homes in Spain rose 29 percent between 2005 and 2009, due to economic stability, the formation of new households and the increase in earnings, reveals new indicator developed by Federal Mortgage Society (SHF). The presentation

SHF Price Index for Shelter, the general director of the institution, Javier Gavito Mohar, stressed the importance of the indicator to provide transparency and efficiency to the mortgage market.

"What we showed the U.S. subprime crisis is that prices do not take care of this sector can be transmitted quickly to the financial sector and real problems such as those established in other countries."

stressed that the index will show further, if this happens, the existence of speculation and allow buyers do not go to areas where there are price gouging.

explained that Mexico index will be published quarterly on the website of SHF, in "Statistics and Research", 45 days after the end of the quarter to which it relates.

"With the Index SHF-stressed," our country is one of the nations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) that have this information essential to the housing sector, in particular for the financial sector ".

Introducing the indicator, the director of Economic Studies Housing SHF, Antonio Puig Escudero, explained that the nominal appreciation housing cumulative 29 percent between 2005 and 2009 is equivalent to an annual increase of 6.6 percent.

The highest growth, with levels above 33.5 percent, were filed in Federal District Puebla, Guerrero, Tabasco and Morelos, while Tamaulipas, Chihuahua, Zacatecas, Baja California Sur and Chiapas showed smaller increases, 23.5, 23, 22.8, 21.9 and 21.2 percent, in that order.

said that the country's capital in 25 percent of prices is greater than or equal to 929 thousand dollars above the national average of 407 thousand pesos. Prices differ by attributes such as proximity to urban areas, level of development of the company, not only by the number of bedrooms, parking, elevators and floor area.

also revealed Puig Escudero based on the index over the past four years the average prices of new housing increased 7.4 percent more than the used.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Where Can U Buy Tender Quick

U.S. must control the flow of weapons used by the drug trade (Attorney Mexico) Second

United States must control the flow of weapons from the vast majority are supplied violent Mexican drug cartels, insisted on Friday the new Attorney General of Mexico, Arturo Chavez.

"We ask that you control the flow of weapons into Mexico, as many are used by organized crime," said Chavez at a press conference in his first Attorney day after being ratified by the Senate on Thursday amid questions of numerous NGOs.

is estimated that 90% of the sophisticated weapons used by drug cartels in Mexico from the United States, where restrictions for purchase are limited.

According to Attorney General, Mexico on your side is making an effort to prevent drugs from reaching into the United States, the largest cocaine market in the world.

The official said that the fight against drug mafias, which hit several parts of the country, particularly in the United States border, "must be integral" and reaffirmed the president's strategy Felipe Calderon's fight with "all the forces of the State, without this meaning only repression."

The government has deployed about 50,000 soldiers and thousands of policemen in the hottest areas of Mexico to try to curb the drug trade.

The new attorney general, a key position in the fight against drug trafficking, said lack of precise figures on crimes linked to the cartels because many of them have not been clarified, but felt that "must be many, many."

Other sources indicate that about 14,000 people were executed for crimes linked to the cartels from the beginning of Calderon, in December 2006.

Chavez's appointment as a federal prosecutor was surrounded by fierce controversy because, as attorney general of the state of Chihuahua from 1996 to 1998, was questioned for his role in investigations of murders of dozens of women in Ciudad Juárez (North) occurred at the time.

said that while serving as state attorney general further clarified "65 of the 93 cases" reported and pledged to cooperate with the state of Chihuahua for the cases "are outstanding."

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Razor Pocket Mod Bisrto 2009

What audacity! Putting poetry rules!

"nature of poetry" . Image: poetica.htm

Rule supreme: that is born from your body, your bones and skin. In your fire and your mud. In your light and blindness.
Rule One: Pace rather than rhyme. The first is the essence, the second ornament. Useful, not essential.
Rule Two: Zero to score at least more
Rule Three: Spelling elemental but set the pace though.
Rule Four: Break all mirrors when combing and dressing or undressing. Rule
inevitable: The word, the verb. Flesh or meat dream dreams.
useful rule: Do not believe in rules, much less relied upon. Rule
necessary: \u200b\u200bIf cultivate talent, if any, planted in another garden. Rule
iconoclastic poets make poems, but poetry is for everyone. There are men and women who never wrote a verse, but their lives and their actions are full of poetry.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Sharp Elbow When Pushing

Multicolored Silver Anniversary of the newspaper El Popular

As a teenager, fourth nothing mattered hour and a quarter of a century was an unreachable eternity.

Today, 17 September 2009, as if just 25 seconds have elapsed, is the 25th anniversary of the founding of the People daily. Hits

persistent frenzied bells echo in the doors of my memory and my heart. Is that I had become one of the midwives of this newspaper.

was the first daily in Peru printed with full color pages, strip and removed, first to contract.

was an extraordinary effort, cutting edge business group that had built this great flagship called The Republic.
was part of the dream of William Thorndike stubborn in Peru launched a frivolous evening great run.

brand was because he had left the flagship tabloid Last Time and La Tercera.

But there was another sharp eye, that of Gustavo Mohme Llona, \u200b\u200bwho spared no effort to put to sea the new ship.

ETERNAL TOAST. Gustavo Mohme Llona and William Thorndike makers of The Republic and The People.

Today's Popular maintains its own market and try to expand it.

can accept or reject your line a little more "chichosa" that funny or entertaining.

sometimes assumed. To take seriously the policy.

Occasionally I do not know if he was right.

Our politicians and senior civil servants triggers. Each day strive to star in police actions, if not circus.

Of course, in sports and shows you step on the difficult poncho.

No one can deny that it has The People's roots in the public and is a solid pillar of its publishing group.

Silver anniversary memories ...

been a quarter century. How do you feel? I wonder in this solitude attic. Mountains

nostalgia, I answer as talking to the mirror of time. Great pride. How parades

clear the memory of the great adventure that happy fellow journalist!

Ah ... and writing this report, I feel that emotion again vividly the first challenge. That

bittersweet anguish we feel the months of collections, desires, anxieties, trials, issues zero, which claimed the birth of El Popular.

was as if you had been recruited for a war.

I trained both, and you expect to enter at any time in actual battle.

Again and again, we warned, guys, let yourself pod! Morning drive! ...

! Many battle stations! ... Until I finally saw the light by 17 September.

We were so tired and frustrated enough that it seemed a dream, a drill more.

But it was true! There was the first number in our trembling hands, warm as the daily bread.

The first cover

could forget that first cover!

A week before I went to Chimbote Rolando Angeles, the beloved master of life and photojournalism.

We had the slogan to make a sensational story, or tabloid, on a gold fever broke out in the mouth of the Rio Santa. In the field

found that was true.

But the fever was not a source of sudden wealth to a ragged army that stirred tons of sand to wash and collect a few ounces of gold.

unemployed were trapped by poverty. Ex

agricultural workers, steel, fishermen, their families driven into poverty by the huge financial meltdown of that rich region.

Those who did did business were ineffable characters they buy tiny amounts of the precious metal to collect amounts more or less negotiable.

went for a back story with an amazing and heartbreaking drama.

That was disagreement with one of our editors.

Angeles and I we re to Republic, but the news of men, women and ragged children, gold seekers in the Bay of Chimbote, was the front page of the first edition of The People.

There is so much ink in the ink!

Another auspicious day we may have time to recount in detail amplitude and the history of the People's Republic Group.

Today I left wrapped only by the inevitable kidnapping of emotion and nostalgia that stretch passionate adventure of life.

But never could put an end to this chronic without raising my tribute, my love and thanks to all the team of talents that made possible the birth of El Popular.

mention them all would be a matter of not completing the text. To risk any omission inexcusable.

A big hug Whose Oscar Ramos and in your name, a hug for all the founders absent and present.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What Does I T Mean Thmb And Pinky

War of the Black September candy

- Pictures: Luis Morán The Rosa

As in the English town of Bunol, Valencia, has been held for 60 years the "Tomatina", or "War of the tomatoes in the Andean city of Chiquián, takes place every September 1, a popular rite very peculiar called the "War of the candy."

This tradition is rooted in very ancient times and is part of the festivities in honor of Santa Rosa de Lima, the patron saint of the Peruvian province of Bolognesi, whose capital is just Chiquián.

Chiquián is famous because in the land inhabited by rebels and laborious men since before the Incas.

A English conquerors was not easy to master those s wild lands and had to deploy all its religious and military power to organize the so-called "indigenous reductions" and to establish productive mills.

In the first decades of the twentieth century, was born there and rode, like the legendary Robin Hood Andes, the famous bandit Jose Pardo, who was said to have robbed the rich to share the spoils to the poor.

Without exaggeration, Chiquián, and all districts, villages and counties of the province of Bolognesi, are a land of dreams.

"MIRROR OF HEAVEN" , call it their lovers and proud people. (Photo Chiquiá )

Where the River Begins Santa

No wonder. In those high Andes Conococha extends the lagoon, which receives water from his sister Aguash to lead the Santa River. Scenario

many adventures, nostalgic songs reason, Santa is making its way to give life to the Pacific Ocean, cut the mountains in the Canyon del Pato and irrigates a vast and fertile valley between the coastal deserts to give to the Bay of Chimbote.

From the city of Chiquián and surrounding towns, on a clear night, illuminated by the moon, we see this incomparable spectacle offered by the glare of the snow-white Huayhuash on the bottom of a deep blue sky and pure.

Six of the main peaks of this chain of perpetual snow, above 6,000 meters above the sea level. Between them stands the legendary and majestic Yerupajá, the second highest mountain in Peru, after Huascaran.

DAY OF ENTRY. Viewers expect the income of the Inca and the Captain.

English against Indians

The violent encounter between European civilization brought by the English and native culture has deeply influenced the minds of chiquianos and is reflected in their festivals and customs.

Every year, from August 28 through September 4 all Chiquián becomes the capital of joy at the celebrations of the patron saint Santa Rosa.

A crowd of chiquianos from across the province, Lima and other cities in Peru and abroad come together in a memorable reunion.

take over the city is filled with music, dance, fireworks, religious rituals, good food, drink and of course plenty of bullfights.

On September 1 the whole people, men, women and children, they stage a huge theatrical performance that recalls the entry of the English conquistadors and the resilience of the native.

"The Entrance" is headed by the Captain, who must move from a downtown street to the main square or "Kihuillán" and thence to the bullring enabled playing field in an old neighborhood of LIRC. This whole journey

do the Captain and his men companions, all on horseback, face stiff resistance of the Inca or Rumiñahui, dozens of fighters and Pallas, the latter colored dress women who defend the Inca.

The night before, the captain and the Inca made separately an exhausting journey through the neighborhoods of Chiquián, "plotting" and coordinating with their supporters.

go from house to house surrounded by bands and orchestras, improvising treats between music and dance.

addition to the main characters already mentioned are also involved, the Butler, the Banners and the Commissioners.

the day of the Entry fun reaches its peak, it is then that it sparks a battle between two sides who use them as projectiles handfuls of candy and fruit is also released.

Funny how the sweets "rain" from the balconies and are thrown into the streets in all directions.

The resistance will slow the progression of the conquerors using long wooden poles, but in the end the captain makes his triumphant entry into the bullring.

So supporters of the opposing sides around the Captain and the Inca and take prisoners.

If, for example, the Inca managed to escape, the captain has to pay a fine con cajas de cerveza o alguna otra ofrenda.

En el fin de fiesta todos se confunden en un solo abrazo, cantando y danzando, simbolizando así la conjunción de razas y culturas.

CARMEN ROSA . La nueva Capitana y sus acompañantes a caballo.

Por primera vez una Capitana

El capitán de este año fue el empresario Alejandro Flores de la Cruz, quien conjuntamente con el alcalde Vladimiro Alvarado Vicuña, compartió la principal responsabilidad de las festividades.

De acuerdo a los tiempos modernos el próximo año, por primera vez en la historia de Chiquián a woman preside over the festivities: the chemical engineer Carmen Rosa Rios Ortiz.

With her are her companions Marden Farro, Abel Gamarra, Paul Farro, Elvis Ortiz, Margarita Ortiz Minaya and as a champion, Carlos Minaya Dante.


- REYES BEARD, Mario. Chiquián The Villa
Insuperable Lima, 2002

- Rafael Morán La Rosa

More: Tourism

Friday, September 11, 2009

Toddler Valentine Sayings

spring and September is the month I was born. Horoscopes paint it blue and dreams and say that the natives of Virgo are very romantic, impractical, yet idealistic, daring ...

But in the misty, gray morning of 5 September 1972, going down very early in my apartment student in the district of La Victoria, Lima, broke into my soul Septembrina charm against a newsstand.

VICTOR JARA WITH CHILDREN. But his voice died away and destroyed her singing.

headlines and photographs of hooded and police reported the kidnapping of eleven members of Israel's Olympic team in Munich, Germany, the main stage of the twentieth edition of the Olympic Games.

The outcome could not be more cruel killing of 11 Israeli athletes, five of the eight criminal and a German policeman. Communications technology was beginning to take the giant leap for mankind experienced in the past 50 years.

That tragedy against humanity was seen around the world through television.

years passed such a frenetic pace that ended too soon with my youth and put me in this unexpected and sudden fall season of my life.

APOCALYPSE TODAY. The man against man

Far, far was at the time of waiting for me to imagine that even more black September.

On 11 September 1973, conservative groups and anti-democratic power in Chile, in collusion with U.S. imperialism, launched a vicious criminal zarpaso with Augusto Pinochet at the head and bled the Chilean people, blood and frustrating Fire the democratic project that promoted socialist Salvador Allende in the midst of a storm of contradcciones of friends and strangers.

On the morning of 11 September 2001, there was the deadliest terrorist attack in the past and ruthless times. The mighty twin towers of New York's financial center were literally pulverized by two hijacked planes.

worked in those skyscrapers thousands of human beings as a busy bee hives in huge!

Another plane caused enormous damage to the Pentagon and a fourth hijacked jet fell into a wasteland landscape killing all occupants.

dark and desolate Tonight September 11, 2009 I do not want re-write a long and sad story, I only ask permission to exhale this sorrowful song:

are two onces
two September
inhuman ...
two wounds incurable
rivers of blood and pain
Victor Jara's hands
destroyed his people
New York Dreams
uprooted forever
Oh America!
Woe Eden!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labeled Diagram Of Boats

What is the College of Journalists in Peru?

A Federation Journalists of Peru "does not rise or Harry Potter or Sarita Colonia" That was the comment
playful, ironic, while disappointed Juan Gargurevich Regal, the renowned Peruvian writer and journalist, known for its college students and Catholic San Marcos as "Uncle John" or "El Profe", as they also call with due respect and admiration.

holders I know questions are not recommended. But in this very attic of hermit had written the article rise again "Federation of Journalists of Peru? There
raised some reflections on the profound crisis affecting the journalists' union in Peru, in all areas: professional, occupational, social, political, ethical.

I am sure that the sarcastic comment Gargurevich is very far from containing any pejorative intent, or to reflect indifference to the abuses of power and authority, aggression and delays that daily confront thousands of Peruvian journalists far and wide our country. His career

social, professional and political talks to herself. On the contrary, I do think that reflects that feeling of frustration and helplessness that overwhelms us all.

was not the only reaction to that article. Said young journalists that there is no real representation in institutions such as the FPP and the College of Journalists is distrust and alienation between generations.

Martha Aliaga Herrera, a journalist specializing in corporate communications (institutional and business), in his blog All repetition is an offense , offers a sample button and claims that, by Ministerial Resolution No. 552 -2009/MINSA, was dismissed by journalist Celia Solano Judiht Dueñas, Director of Communications Office of the National Hospital Cayetano Heredia and was appointed as his replacement surgeon Sallust Casaverde Motta.

"Doctor Casaverde colleague says, if you press officer or communications picture in your hospital, I can be named chief of surgery. "

But it is not an isolated case. In central government, regions, Congress, the judiciary, public enterprises are an army of officials recommended handpicked, usurping the functions of professional journalists, now called journalists.

merit competitions do not exist or are mere simulacra.

addition, but accounts with the necessary professional qualifications, but have a powerful sponsor, you simply call "outside consultant." That's what the criollo appeal "made it law, a loophole."

Here are several questions: What is the College of Journalists in Peru? Would the Medical College of Peru appointed as director of a hospital to a lawyer or an engineer? How do they work and what they are schools of journalists in other countries in Latin America?

Although we're used to that in Peru anything happen to the most outrageous. For example, the associations of doctors, nurses and workers EsSalud, question the management of the current chairman of the board of that entity, Ipenza Fernando Barrios, who is an electrical engineer.

There is no single case in which the College of Journalists of Peru has decided for breach of the Act provides a mandatory basis in the press area, image or public relations work state collegiate journalists.

"FOURTH POWER? journalism in Peru is one of the most vulnerable occupations.

We actually have a professional deaf, blind and dumb when it comes to fulfilling its mission of defending the rights of Peruvian journalists.

Instead of the CPP's current management has trampled the Constitution, the law and its own statutes illegally to extend its mandate under cover at a meeting of departmental deans. How long?

More: Journalism

Monday, September 7, 2009

Buying Horse From Fallon Taylor

The 2030 would be the beginning of the end

On Thursday 3 September the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned mankind that "the Arctic is warming faster than anywhere else in the earth "and" could be ice in the summer of 2030. "

Ban Ki-moon, the highest dignitary of the international community, launched this message to all nations from the international base at Ny Alesund, a Norwegian archipelago where does scientific observation station more northern climate of the planet.

In this remote corner of the world, a select group of scientists observed day and night behavior of the northern polar cap and the effects of global warming called.

ATALAYA. From this corner of the world, seemingly insignificant, a group of scientists are sounding the alarm

What if the polar ice disappears? Better not think about it. Overwhelm the continent's seas, climate change both on the planet that humans and other living things developed above and may disappear of the earth.

Korean Nationality, high international official is a political campaign or leadership exercised some religious sect that preached the imminent end of the world. Nor

runs a media alarmist, sensationalist "chicha", which aims to make more money scaring his audience.

Ban Ki-moon visited the base at Ny Alesund to directly observe and verify what has been reported by scientists from around the world with accurate measurements and detached from political or religious ideologies.

ASSUME CHALLENGE. Ban Ki-moon and King Harald of Norway in their final meeting last week.

Hope Copenhagen

The visit of UN Secretary General was also a preliminary step in the preparatory program for the Copenhagen Climate Summit to be held within 100 days. There

world leaders and their teams of scientists, seek agreements and more effective measures than those already made in the Kyoto Conference to prevent pollution emissions make deadly collapse of life on the planet.

Humanity Coenhague expected that governments around the world and super-powerful transnational companies which govern the practice and decide the fate of the world are able to avoid self-destruction of human civilization.

Otherwise, it is more than likely that will come the end times spoken of in almost all world religions, collapse would not occur by divine action or an accident caused by a celestial body outside the earth, but by action of the human being.

MAXIMUM DANGER. Literally the ice is melting in the hands of humanity
(Photo taken from The New York Times)

An abandoned coal mine

NY Aalesund was a century ago, a coal mine. In 1926 Roald Amundsen left here for the Arctic bruzar zeppelin.

Today is scientifically based international laboratories of several countries where up to 120 researchers work in summer and 25 in winter. In addition, the town has become obligatory stop for tour boats that cruise the Svalbard islands. Other mills

watching the latest technology, there operates a seawater laboratory experiments that allows long process in cold water, for example pollution and climate simulation techniques.

Source: Agencies


Friday, September 4, 2009

Fixing Potter Barn Scrateces

rise again "Federation of Journalists of Peru? Lulu

The difficult and sometimes precarious conditions in which they engaged in the profession as a journalist in Peru is reflected in the deep institutional crisis surrounding the guild the media in all genres.

Historic Peru Federation of Journalists, the Journalists' Association should be paradigms in the labor unions, social security, freedom of press and information ethics, however languishing without power or effective representation to the branches of government and Peruvian society.

This unfortunate situation does not agree, however, the important role being played, each in its field, institutions like the National Association of Journalists, APN, the Instituto Prensa y Sociedad, IPYS, Press Club of Lima, but are isolated and partial efforts.

laws that protect and guarantee the free exercise of journalism, employment benefits Peruvian journalist, his right to a dignified retirement, life and family access to health services, safeguarding their physical integrity, etc.. Are dead letter and mocked by many companies that own the media and the state itself.

Being a journalist in Peru is to exercise a sort of second-class profession. Of course we are not here talking about individual cases counted are the exception to the rule.

We refer specifically to old and young journalists who are exploited for poverty wages and who are systematically denied the eight hours of overtime pay, rest two days a week, sorted by Republic Act.

Not to mention the journalists dismissed from their places of work after many years have contributed to the prestige and enrichment of large companies and now facing the serious drama of unemployment without access to social security.

Thousands of journalists, especially in the provinces are working without social security and unprotected from abuse and attacks in his grievance by corrupt officials and crime, especially drug traffickers.

What happens in the regions and provinces Peruvian daily beat, harass or cause property damage by at least one journalist? The ANP at least spread the allegations. What about the other guilds of the press? The attackers, if not corrupt regional or local authorities or police and even judges, are common criminals. So provincial journalists working across multiple fires.

But not all of these attacks job and career from external factors. Journalists themselves have thrown in the towel and we have allowed our association to atomize the disunity, lack of solidarity, fully aware of our rights and firmness to defend them. We have a professional body which is a engañamuchachos since it is optional.

What is the College?

Journalist Act, theoretically in force, and has ordered that for a journalist or holding a social communicator in the press area, image or public relations agencies of the state must necessarily be collegial.

Let's look at what is happening in the ministries, Congress, Judiciary and see how the bureaucracy golden mockery of this device in the shadow of power.

Worst of all, the College of Journalists of Peru in the larger debate disrepute after he fell into the hands of successive groups of seudoperiodistas who plundered and defiled. The current policy

just trample the Constitution and the law in deciding to extend his mandate by agreement of a meeting of deans departmental void in the style of Manuel Burga of the FPF or Fujimori. And what is so far the stock of the defense and representation of members of the order?

Federation Challenge

SCHEDULE 2. Bernardino Rodriguez Carpio, and previously chaired the PPF

On Sunday 13 September, hopefully this time the cabal operate in reverse-there are elections in the Federation of Journalists of Peru, flagship institution founded 59 years ago by a different union leaders political ideology, but with deep conviction and unionist libertarian.

The first government of former President Fernando Belaunde Terry legislated and first recognized the journalistic profession and created the famous stamp with which funds local modern built the PNA and the PPF.

Over the years, the management of the PPF was sinking into mediocrity, until the institution was at the hands of leaders that became outlaws booty bandits.

l ownership Abancay Avenue building was to be lost because he had no legal sanitation. Honest leaders including the current count, at least have avoided this misfortune, but little has been done to revive a dying institution without funds and with a sea of \u200b\u200bdebt.

Sunday 13 applying for a new period in the PPF CEN colleague Bernardino Rodríguez Carpio, topping the No. 2 and accompanying professional acquaintances with moral and union experience.

Among his proposals are urgent action to revitalize the union and return to the role of irreducible FPP bastion of press freedom.

also raise new generations to call professionals with the creation of a Federation of Students Center for Journalism and Social Communication.

Federated and non-members must support a list Bernardino Rodriguez in this challenge. Then we will show further steps hand in hand with the other institutions of the Peruvian press.

More: Journalism

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Images Of Homemade Toy Boat


Chastity Lourdes policy Flores Nano, the first woman presidential candidate in Peru, has been questioned.

By extension connotations of the word chastity, we refer to the reputation of incorruptible, Citizen Above Suspicion, which tend to hold certain public figures, whether their ideas and proposals arising acceptance or rejection.

In the Peruvian political scene there are few leaders who do not have a "tail of straw" or, as Mexicans of those who "hide the tail because the tread."

De Fernando Belaunde Terry said, for example, that his integrity and honesty was never questioned and that all the negative aspects government of his two terms were due to certain characters that surrounded him. "The bad crowd" as they say in Creole.

Comedians and cartoonists sublimate their political candor placed on a cloud.

The leader of the Partido Popular Cristiano (PPC), has earned it the reputation of suspicion.

CLEAN HANDS "?. Counting the reasons you attend (Photo: Crónica Viva)

electoral battles in the past by the Presidency of the Republic rained around him. From representative of big business, racist, "pituca" candidate of rich, but no one could associate, even remotely, to the infamous circle of corruption, much less drug.

At best he rebuked little political acumen to include in their lists of candidates and advisory circles people linked to Fujimori's corrupt dictatorship.

When Dr. Lourdes Flores, apparently preparing a new strategy to run for a third time to the highest office in the country in 2011, is positioned in the eye of an unusual storm, assuming the chairmanship of the board of the new airline Peruvian Airlines .

Whose Peruvian Airlines? None other than Cesar Cataño Porras, a wealthy entrepreneur, race car driver, suspicious character for alleged laundering of drug money, allegedly linked to drug kingpin Gustavo Guzman Rojas. Who

accompanying this directory? Other characters also questioned as the former captain Mario Alcantara FAP, visible head of Peruvian Airlines, who, according to the TV program Cuarto Poder, was punished by disciplinary action in September 1976. According to the report

worked with Alfredo Alcantara Aircraft Zanatti in Peru, one of its cargo ships crashed in August 1980 in Mexico, full of cocaine. How

established the link between Lourdes Flores and Cataño? As leader Pepecar own account from his law firm, where she has been able to verify and confirm to the absolute conviction that this is a completely honest and honest businessman, "emerged from below" and for whom she puts her hands to fire.

The country was stunned question: Could it be that she is putting the fire in their hands and, who knows what reason, has no more than stand and assume?

"Sometimes standing up for what you believe, may have a cost," he answered firmly and with a wide smile, Dr. Flores before the TV cameras.

But now is not seen as a policy flawless defending the interests of big business, but as an experienced lawyer assuming the role of big business, not that that fact means, far from transgressing the law or morality . Unless, of course, it is found later that the capital and the owners of the airline are illegal or questionable.

And where is his experience and prestige in the field of law?
much the same time he made his first steps as a political leader. Do not forget that entered the PPC at 18 years old, sponsored by Luis Bedoya Reyes, another frustrated presidential candidate.

Graduate and Doctor of the Catholic University of Peru and Complutense of Spain, their professional specialties include Civil and Commercial Law. One of his first positions as a lawyer was played in the vicinity of Elijah La Rosa when he was Minister of Justice. Lourdes Flores is recalled that a census prison, confirming that most prisoners had not been convicted.

is said that in exceptional circumstances for an honest person it is possible to walk through the mud without getting dirty feet. For the sake of our country and discredited political institutions, Peruvians hope this is the case of Lourdes Flores Nano.

Video of the defense of Cataño