Friday, January 8, 2010

Women Who Like To Play With Foreskin

presents new sample BMV

The Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) on Friday presented the new sample of stations that make up the Index Mexico (INMEX) between February and August this year, which come ALFA, ELEKTRA and KIMBER, while leaving Autlan AXTEL and TRAD.

comunicdo In the Mexican stock market reported that the INMEX will consist of 20 stations, to which were added ALFA shares series A, ELEKTRA nominated series (*) and Series KIMBER, replacing AUTL series B, AXTEL series CPO and Commerce is UBC.

Thus, INMEX along with Mexico Total Return Index (INMEX RT) will be formed from February for broadcasters: ALFA A, AMX L, CEMEX CPO ELEKTRA * FEMSA UBD, GEO B, GFNORTE O GMEXICO B, C GMODELO, HOMEX * ICA *, A. KIMBER Also, MEXCHEM * PENOLES * TELECOM A1, TELINT L, TELMEX L, TLEVISA CPO WALMEX URBI * and V.

Mexican Stock Exchange also introduced a new sample of Mid-Cap Index (IMC30), which also will run from February to August this year, which will consist of 30 stations. This index included companies CEL Series * CMOCTEZ series * CONTAL number * number * and PINFRA GCC series *, while will ALFA Series A Series C GMODELO, IDEAL Series B-1, and CPO series MAXCOM MEXCHEM series *.

Hence, this index will be formed by broadcasters: ALSEA *, O *, ARCA * ASUR B, AUTL B, AXTEL CPO, SAC A, CEL * CICSA B-1, CMOCTEZ * TRAD UBC, share or, CONTAL * FINDEP *, GAP B, GCC *, GEO, B, GFAMSA A GRUMA B, HOMEX * *. ICA In addition, ICH B, KOF L, LAB B, MEGA CPO, OMA B, PINFRA * SIMEC B, TV Azteca CPO, URBI *. (With information from Notimex / MVC)


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