Thursday, April 21, 2011

Molecular Biology Lab 6 Virtual Lab

Salon del Comic 29 Happy Epiphany

Another year, I went to the Salon of Comic ...

This year the theme was zombies, go ... it seems that the zombies are now fashionable, having become famous TV series "The Walking Dead, in turn inspired by the comic of the same name ...

There were several exhibitions with images of zombies, some were parodies, such as a Superlopez Zombie, and also put trailers pelicuras zombies of all kinds ...

Apart dedicated an exhibition of 50 years of Tarzan ... Stands and which had inspired the upcoming films of comic characters ... Captain Thunder, Transformers 3, X-Men, ...

could not miss the booth of El Jueves, as always of the most funny and original ...

not miss the imperial guard!

That if this show of comic I will remember for a lifetime momentazo! After 7 years,, we finally have gotten D. Francisco IbaƱez sign me! :-D


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