Sunday, May 16, 2010

Making The Best Aluminum Boat Project

Aitana (2)

Well, the months pass ... and Aitana and is almost with us! Little by little we already have your room ready, we will buy some stuff and making us other things ...

ago or so a month, Marta and I went to ask the eco 4D to get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow our baby will be y. .. not because we are going to be his parents, but ... is beautiful!

As everybody knows ... frikadas I love ... and taking advantage because I'm studying Japanese ... I said "Why do not we make our baby a bib with your name in Japanese?" was said and done, I put the design, writing the girl's name in Japanese and choosing a pretty design with Martha and she was responsible for cross-stitch sewing.

The last thing we bought for her, has been a very cool Paddling, blue y. .. without spending a scrotumtightening pasta! that if seems very comfortable (if you would drink more details) and we're doing theater, because it's leftovers in the sink of the washbasin and also in the shower base. Come on! that I have wanted to see it tucked in and bathe Paddling:-D

Finally, gradually approaching and Aitana time soon will be with us, while Martha and I are excited about little things like this ...


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