Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fish Sticks Lyrics Southpark

Carnaval 2010

I get the "geezer" digooooo Carnival!

The truth is that for centuries ... step totally dressing up, but hey, this year, as we were invited to stay with my sister to a costume party ... for nothing, I have encouraged (please note I sencillito costume that does not say). The funny thing was the sight of costumed children were to eat!

Here is the sheriff and his girlfriend Country singer

Incidentally joins the party ... Hannah Montana!

Ertai - "I said that I remove the costume, period!"
Martiks - "Worth it! But please do not kill me!"
Hannah-"But Aunt! That guns are ...!!" jugueteeeeee
Finally, the truth is that between one thing and another we have been all very well. Marta's sister prepared a super snack, we took Brownie Xocolate, Marta's father also took Cupcakes and apple pie ... etc ... masters! we got like kiko!

was a nice way to spend Saturday afternoon.


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