in Mexico's auto industry expects this year a drop in sales of around 35 percent in passenger cars, referred the KPMG, which mentions that the recovery rate is extremely low because " 2013, Mexico still will not have achieved the sales figures that were taken in 2007. "
In his "Panorama of the automotive industry in the BRIC countries - Brazil, Russia, India and China, it is mentioned that these figures do not include import U.S. used cars and auto stocks in relation to population is much higher in Mexico than in any other country of which form the BRIC group, with the exception of Russia.
"This indicates a greater degree of saturation in Mexico and Russia compared with other BRIC countries. Russia has been the only country that make up the BRIC group has been adversely affected by economic crisis like Mexico, so one can assume that market saturation is directly related to declines in economic crisis "says the document.
In terms of market potential Mexico is small compared with countries that form the BRIC group, especially if one takes into account the size of its population in relation to those countries.
therefore referred to KPMG, the best opportunity for Mexico in the future depends not on the local market but to have greater participation in the U.S. market.
"The proximity to the U.S. market and cheap labor are still the main competitive advantages that Mexico has on the BRIC countries," said Albrecht Ysenburg, audit partner and leader of KPMG's automotive industry in Mexico.
The study indicates that for the global automotive industry, 2009 has undoubtedly been the toughest year in its history. Due to financial and economic crisis in the world, which has beaten both credit availability and consumer confidence is expected to drop in sales of passenger vehicles worldwide.
"Worldwide sales are forecast to passenger cars will fall by about 17 percent in 2009 as a result of a sharper collapse in demand in the U.S., Europe and Japan. The reduction in these markets, however, be offset by continued strong growth in China, "the document refers.
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