Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Naruto Shippuuden Doujins

President of Guatemala and Social Networks to war

puzzle your
Eye Arrested
computer via Twitter who protested

Colom could end former Philippine President Joseph Estrada

Newspaper Former Philippine President Joseph Estrada has every reason to hate Internet social networks . In early 2001, uncovered a terrible case of corruption in his government, the opposition accused him of stealing about U.S. $ 80 million.

immediately began spreading the news through the Internet and soon had about 200 pages and 90 000 signatures calling for his resignation. On January 16, mobile phone networks and internet Philippines collapsed. It sent more than a million messages with the same text: "All the streets dressed in black ESRA.

The main street was filled with protesters demanding the resignation of a president clinging to office. For four days the event will be held and Estrada had no choice but to leave the government to his vice president. As

Filipinos online calling for the resignation of its representative, a number of Guatemalans are doing the same. In Facebook there are at least a dozen groups opposed to President. The largest one is called "Guatemalans united we ask for the resignation of Alvaro Colom" and already has more than 30 thousand members, while "Solidarity with Alvaro Colom" reaches only four supporters.

via the Internet is where they have distributed invitations to events, to reach the Central Plaza dozens of people who joined a message on the computer. The English sociologist Juan Urrutia called this type of concentration as "Ciberturbas."

The ciberturbas come to have much power. He knew the U.S. President Barack Obama, who thanked her victory to her extensive Internet campaign. Obama asked for financial support through social networks and got $ 300 million donated by about one million Internet users. Also managed more than 50 000 events online.

do not need a leader, a valued and respected face for people to follow what he suggests, follow a leader faceless, nameless and formless as the same mass as it answers. Colom

Should Facebook fear? Meeting is the center of his opponents and is so great that spans the globe. In addition, his followers do not use. Colom-like Rigoberta Menchu \u200b\u200bsaid on television, "brings" people, while opponents will "carry" themselves.

was arrested by Guatemalan tweet


"First real action to make the ratatouille Banrural break the bank corruption," was the message that caused the arrest and imprisonment of Jean Anleu Fernandez 37 year old computer analyst with these words he protested the killing of Rodrigo Rosenberg, who left a video blaming his death the President of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom.

As recalled, before he died Rosenberg recorded the video, accusing the president of that country and Banrural (Rural Development Bank) of being behind his death to know a laundering scheme of drug money.

Anleu was arrested at his home and taken before a judge to set bail for 50 000 quetzales, but can not raise the amount due to spend Friday in jail until his family managed to pay the amount.

"I am outraged by this situation," said computer analyst accused of causing financial panic with his message on Twitter. Be careful with the things you say, "he acknowledged, but added that only told what he heard.

Anleu was excited by the great support received from other Twitter users, some of which provided grants to meet bail.

Nevertheless, Anleu chose to close his blog and restrict access to their messages to the popular microblogging site, as Guatemala penalty up to three years in prison and a fine on those who generate substantial financial panic.

And you, and you recorded your video?

Eduardo Villagrán

An attack on the government of the poor. Go fallacy. Go demagoguery. The Public Ministry and the CICIG are investigating the murder of Rodrigo Rosenberg, but not be able to do their job if they do not have all the information necessary. According to Rosenberg's video, all Guatemalans know this information, but we prefer to keep quiet. So if we really want justice to be done, it was time to say what we all know ...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Prevent Tonsil Stones

The best universities in Mexico 2009

College Admissions

MEXICO. At least three companies have posted university rankings nationally in 2009: the newspapers Reforma and El Universal, and Reader's Digest Reader's Digest.

exercise is that these companies make every year and have already become a tradition.

school students who are entering college, parents and even their own higher education institutions (HEIs), hope and continue with growing interest the publication of these rankings, since they have become powerful tools enable young people to have more information and better decision points for choosing a university.

Each of these rankings use different methodologies to establish what are the best universities. For example, El Universal considers 20 universities in general classification, while the University Guide Reader's Digest publishes a ranking of the top 100 universities. Reform, for its part, does not make a general ranking, but has a ranking of the best universities but by degrees, and in each the number considered is variable, since in some cases were considered only eight universities and other cases to 20.

is important to highlight some points regarding the rankings discussed here:

1) In the three years analyzed here, only the College Guide 2009 Selections can be regarded as a national ranking, since for processing regarded universities in 32 states in the country. For its part, El Universal only considered to universities located in seven states, while the newspaper Reforma only took into account for its exercise to the higher education institutions of the Federal District and its metropolitan area. Therefore, the latter two are, in fact, regional rankings.

2) For the development of the three rankings discussed here, was used primarily to survey method as an essential tool to generate the respective classifications. That is, in reality it is perception-based assessments, not on what we call "hard data" primarily quantitative. Only

supplement "09 Best Colleges" the newspaper El Universal, considered as a relevant factor (60% of the calculation of the ranking) a series of such data, such as institutional accreditation, research, teaching, library services and technology. However, it is also evident the great weight given to factors measured by perception surveys.

3) The three classifications considered the survey results to employers as one of the overriding factors classification of universities. Even the "Best Universities Survey 2009," the newspaper Reforma, classification based entirely main university in the survey of employers, not including other factors.

Thus, these rankings give significant weight to the views of businesses and public sector organizations regarding the quality of universities, although not specifically responding to an academic approach, but rather that of the degree ease of graduates from various institutions and careers, to get a job.

4) To determine the weighting values and for supervision of all its universities ranking exercise, the newspaper El Universal turned to the figure of an Advisory Board consisting of professors and researchers from 16 institutions of higher education in the country and a specialized consulting firm. It is the only one of the three rankings that saw the use of a mechanism of this kind.

5) All rankings discussed a classification of colleges and careers, for example, mention which schools were the best in Economics, Law or Industrial Engineering. But only Universal and Selections The rankings show a general nature, stating what were the mejores 20 universidades en el primer caso, y las mejores 100, en el segundo.

6) Las encuestas a profesores y de alumnos fueron parte fundamental del ranking de Selecciones, quien consideró a éstas en la ponderación de su ranking general.

Reforma utilizó también el dato, pero no lo integró a su ranking principal de carreras universitarias, sino que construyó otras clasificaciones diferentes donde se midieron factores como orgullo universitario, satisfacción con el servicio de bibliotecas, entre otros.

El Universal, por su parte, consideró la evaluación de profesores para realizar un “ranking de profesores”, pero no tomó en cuenta la opinión of students.

then presents a more detailed description of the results and methodology of each of these rankings:


Overall Ranking

Top 10 best universities in the country, according to the classification used for this publication, are:

1) National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
2) Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
3) National Polytechnic Institute (IPN)
4) Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA)
5) Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM)
6) University of Anahuac
7) Universidad del Valle de Mexico (UVM)
8) Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM)
9) Universidad de Guadalajara (University of Guadalajara)
10) Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon (UANL)

2009 University Guide Selections considered a total of 10 areas of study: Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Sciences, Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities, Education, Arts, Construction, Communication and Marketing, Economics and Management Science, and Technology. Methodology

For this ranking interviews were conducted in 32 Mexican states, which were classified into 5 regions: Pacific, North, Bajio, Central, and Southeast Valley. The ranking is entirely based on these interviews, conducted by Ipsos. There were a total of 9.289 interviews divided as follows: 1.313

teacher interviews.
4.056 3.680

Students Alumni interviews and 240 interviews

human resource directors and / or Head Hunters.

For students, alumni and teachers, interviews were online and through other electronic processes. For the business community (human resources and Head Hunters), telephone interviews were used. The interviews were applied from 15 December 2008 to February 9, 2009.

calculation algorithm was used to determine finally the university ranking was based on a weighting for each response obtained from the questionnaires, each of the three segments evaluated. Processing and data analysis, we used the SPSS computer statistical program.


The development of this ranking was carried out by means of a survey conducted by the Research Department itself newspaper from various universities in the Federal District and the Metropolitan Area, which were selected based on the statistical yearbook published by the ANUIES. Therefore, in reality, this ranking is not national in scope. Reformation

a ranking general, but a classification by race, so that a comparison between institutions, but between programs of study.

were taken into account 14 of the 20 races in greater demand in the metropolitan area: Law, Administration, Accounting, Systems Engineering, Psychology, Systems, Medical, Communication, Architecture, Industrial Engineering, Marketing, Economics, International Relations and Civil Engineering. Additionally, due to the high demand which has in recent years, was also included Mechatronics Engineering.

Main results of the ranking

Best Universities Ranking 2009 reform gave the following results. Here is the name of each university evaluated, and the name of the institution that took first place in it:

Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) and Universidad La Salle (tie)

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM CU)

University COMMUNICATION Iberoamericana (UIA DF)

Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM)

Escuela Libre de Derecho (ELD DF)

Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE)

National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM CU)

Universidad Panamericana (UP )

Mechatronics Engineering
Tecnológico de Monterrey (Campus Santa Fe)

Tecnológico de Monterrey (Campus Santa Fe)


Universidad La Salle

Tecnológico de Monterrey (Campus Mexico City)

AC University of the Americas (UDLA DF)

Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM)

National Polytechnic Institute UPIICSA


The main component to calculate the position of universities in this edition of The Best Colleges 2009, was a survey of employers, ie, a sample of companies, agencies and organizations that hire graduates from the evaluated. The interview was conducted at 1.163 employers in private companies and public bodies, including the October 9, 2008 and January 28, 2009. The interviews were conducted by telephone. Each employer assessed to graduates of participating universities on a scale from zero to 10 in the following areas:

1 .- Preparation and knowledge.

2 .- capacity and performance.

3 .- Values \u200b\u200band ethics.

The position of universities in each of the university classifications, we calculated simple averages getting responses from employers under the three areas assessed, and these in turn, obtained a general average. The ranking considers to 64 educational institutions in the City and its metropolitan area.



general classification places the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in the first place, followed by the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) in the second place and the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) in the third place, with a total score of 10, 9.40 and 9.32 points respectively.

The table top 10 is:

1) National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
2) Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM)
3) Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM)
4) Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico (UAEMEX)
5) Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL)
6) University and Guadalajara (UdeG)
7) Institute Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (ITESO)
8) National Polytechnic Institute (IPN)
9) Universidad Anahuac Mexico Norte
10) Instituto Tecnológico de Toluca

Academic Assessment

2) IPN
4) UAM

4) IPN


To achieve this ranking, El Universal contacted all education institutions Superior (IES) of the DF, Morelos, Queretaro, Puebla, Jalisco, Estado de Mexico and Nuevo Leon that appeared on Form 911 of the Public Education Secretariat (SEP) for the 2006/2007 cycle, inviting them to participate. In addition, HEIs should meet the following requirements:

- Provide a minimum of four programs in two areas of knowledge, of the six recognized by the National Association of Universities and Institutions of Higher Education (ANUIES).
- Have a minimum enrollment of one thousand undergraduates.
- Apply entrance exam.
- Having officially recognized in the programs they teach.

Ranking generally consists of three parts: quantitative information on the IES, which was provided by them (60%) employers surveyed (20%) and academic survey of selected HEIs (20%).

In the first category, information was requested on 12 variables to assess: institutional accreditation, the possibility of evaluating teachers by students, research, teaching, university outreach, library services and technology. The weight of each of these variables is different.

teacher evaluation was conducted via telephone, mail or in person. A total of 100 interviews, that included a sample of teachers from all participating universities in the rankings.

employers for the survey, a total of 1,344 interviews.


More news from MEXICO

Dunk Tank Plans Parts

Do not you entered? YouTube will "get" college

College Admission

Source valuable educational material level

Maybe you call attention to the presence of university-level educational material along with music videos the Jonas Brothers on YouTube, but the portal to share videos is now an important source of material for further studies. YouTube

is forming partnerships with U.S. universities offering these video channels EDU YouTube ( / edu) .

To create an official channel associated with YouTube about one hundred universities, including institutions of the likes of Stanford, MIT, Harvard, Yale and the University of California at Berkeley. The promotional material also contains virtual visits to the campus.

Friday, May 15, 2009

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Colom: murder of Rodrigo Rosenberg is a plot

Eye puzzle your

Mario David Garcia: "For Rosenberg told him outside of Guatemala"


Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom, reported today that its enemies have orchestrated a plot against him and are the ones behind the case of murdered lawyer Rodrigo Rosenberg, who predicted his death in a video and attributed it to Colombia.

WHEN DEAD SPEAK. final presentations Rodrigo Rosenberg (Photo:

"It's a conspiracy and we have not discovered who is responsible, but we find it," he said in an interview with Reuters, a day after the English lawyer Carlos Castresana, the head of the International Commission Against Impunity Guatemala (CICIG) asked you to stay away from investigating the murder of the lawyer.

The video, taken by local media, triggered a crisis in the Guatemalan cabinet, since in this Rosenberng Colom also accused of using funds from the Executive for personal use and to give back to transactions of money from drug trafficking ...

"I had to go to Guatemala and report it to the Commission on Human Rights"

professor, lawyer and notary, also a journalist, Mario David Garcia is in the eye of the storm from the moment he announced he had recorded video of Rodrigo Rosenberg. Actually, I did not want any notoriety. "I said was I when I saw that the Government's intention was to confuse and not focus on the investigation of the extrajudicial execution. " had a telephone conversation with Garcia, who expressed fear for his life.

professor, lawyer and notary, also a journalist, Mario David Garcia is in the eye of the storm from the moment he announced himself have recorded video of Rodrigo Rosenberg. Actually, I did not want any notoriety. "I said was I when I saw that the Government's intention was to confuse and not focus on the investigation of extrajudicial execution."

Question .- How did the video?

Answer .- Rosenberg contacted me the week ago and said he had prepared a paper for publication if they killed him, and asked if I wanted to be the depositary. He had prepared more documents to people you trust. I run the Plain Talk on United Stations, and said he needed an audio recording. We were on Thursday 7 May afternoon in my office. As there at the appointed time came, I called him jokingly: "Are you coming or not coming?". "I'm standing in traffic near your office," he said. Arrived at five and a half, and he told me it was very important that it is also recorded on video. When finished, I said I take out a copy and that he stayed with original. So we did. The next day, Friday, I spoke with him again and said, 'I think you had to go outside of Guatemala. You have to report it to the Human Rights Commission in Washington. And then, to substantiate some of the accusations you make. How about if you participate in my program? ". It seemed good, and we parted to see us on Monday 11 at the station. The only thing I demanded is that all the allegations to relevant people should be based. Understood because it was very good lawyer.

Q. - How did you hear about his death ...

With his radio program "Straight Talk", Mario David Garcia is one of the most respected journalists in Guatemala. In addition to engaging in journalism, the lawyer of 52 years is a notary and university professor. He has published extensively on economics and law, which defends its liberal stance, and even ran for the presidency in 1985. In the long run back, his connection with the Rosenberg case you fear for his life: "Of course I fear for my life. I did not think the threats were so imminent Rosenberg. He was executed three days after the video recording . I told him that the first obligation of one is to ensure survival. To report must be vivo. Lawyer friends (there are in office in Guatemala at least 500 to those given class) I have warned that charges may be raised against me, as sedition, which is punishable by death. "