Saturday, July 24, 2010

Brent Corrigan Hair Remove

Aitana Aitana

Sometimes the pacifier is a great ally when Aitana gets to bellow after eating ... because if not asleep after dinner, their parents can not napping lol and after spending a few minutes with his pacifier is fritillas XD.

Posted by ShoZu

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Transparetent Particals In The Urine

pacifier and "Bibe"

Aitana, enjoying his bottle, which by the way ... it lasted less than a minute!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can I Get A Catheter Without A Prescription

I stand, I'm Aitana and I'm here! Coca

Hi tod @ s am Aitana, the daughter Ertai & Martiks . I came to the world a July 6, 2010, under the concern of my parents, because when I had to go out on my site, I took a small attack and went p'arriba gandulitis because there was very good, But doctors, who were more persistent than me, for I did go out, via cesarean ... but hey, it worked out very well and both my mom and I are very good.

I laughed a lot with potatoes, because once they put me in his arms began to mourn and a Lagrimillas down her ... and when I put up my mom, the two gave me many kisses ...

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After leaving the operating room, we were taken to a room and the parade of people did not take long, my grandmother came first Molly, Aunt Teresa, my grandfather Manel, my cousins \u200b\u200bAndrei, Max Biel and Aina, my uncles Dani and Carmen Moni auntie, my grandparents Charles and Carmen and a long procession of family and friends ... I put in a crib a little orthopedic, but of course, was in a hospital would be How else?

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whole family who came to see me, they set a lot in my little hair, which is very beautiful, the nurses every time I had laughed a lot with him and every day I combed the bay ...

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Apart from the illusion that they have all of my arrival, I tell you something about me:

1 - I have a gift for the Heavy Metal, do not see how you scream ...

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2 - I sleep like a ceporrillo and ... I have more hair than my dad! jejeje

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Well, what most excited me was that on Saturday gave me "white" so to me as a mom, we finally going to go out and took me to my house ... they had wanted! for that day I put a cute outfit that my aunt gave me and my uncle Ernesto Carme, was more guapaaaaa ....

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Well, I leave my time has come to eat and I have very hungry ... very soon I will tell you how it goes with my parents ...

A kiss to everyone!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Prostart Remote Replacement

llardons "new style" Happy Birthday

Martita reinvents the famous "coca llardons" ... Was delicious!