amancay As the flower of Lima, some legendary flowers, bearing the same name of Quechua origin, living in idyllic parks South American natural as in the case of Argentina's Patagonia and southern Chile Araucanía.
Since prehispanic times the Amancay or Amancae ( Hymenocallis Ismene amancaes or amancaes ) is a sacred and legendary plant whose flower has become the heraldic symbol of the city of Lima.
Self-Andean hills or buttresses that surround the valley of Lima, is fed from the fine drizzle and fog in the area moist and blooms once a year in a very short period, the last two weeks of June.
The amancay arises from a bulb-like white onion (underground stem). Its leaves are bright green and the flower is similar the bell. It is yellow with green veins. In the base has long petals in a star.
LIMEÑA . In the last week of June heraldic flower shines in the rocks dePachacámac Lima.
Experts say that in reality is a wild species to extinction centuries ago covered the entire coastline of the South Pacific, from the current department of La Libertad to the north of Chile. Botanical and entities
defenders of our environment made significant efforts to prevent the total extinction of this beautiful plant that lives in small areas wild heights of the Rimac valley.
past eight years and Association Cementos Lima Atocongo preserved to this and other species of wildlife in the sanctuary of Amancay, which extends over a wide and rugged terrain of the mining concession in Pachacamac Cristina. There
pre-Inca pottery which is engraved amancay flower. The viceroyalty was established on June 24, the Feast of Amancaes, in honor of San Juan Bautista, which was held in a plaza next to the hills that surround the current district of Rimac
Legend of Bariloche
Investigating and looking for more information on the origin and development of amancay gave us with surprise that there are other beautiful plants with delicate flowers and lush, equally legendary, growing up in Argentina's Patagonia region and the Mapuche of Chile.
amancay also call or Amankay, voice of the Quechua root, according to numerous studies, means "eternal love", "eternal flower" or "sacred ground."
LEGENDARY. A beautiful Indian legend of mystery surrounds the flower of Amancay de Bariloche.
The species grows and flourishes in Argentina Bariloche, located in the Andes of Patagonia Bariloche
a major tourist area. There is Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, in the southwestern province of Black River, near the Andes, on the southern shore of Lake Nahuel Huapi. Nature reserves include lakes, forests and mountains.
Like Amancay the Sanctuary of Pachacamac, the town of Bariloche protects amancay with regulations prohibiting cut flowers or plant extraction.
The Alstroemeria aurea, known as Amancay in the region, is an herbaceous, rhizomatous stem, underground, measuring about 60 cm. Its leaves are long, of five to six inches, color medium green. After the winter ended in February, its rhizomes sprout and when the temperature begins to increase its buds open into a flower with its own light that contrasts sharply with the surrounding green and brown. Its petals are red thread tours.
Argentina embassies worldwide spread posters with beautiful flower amancay as one of the major tourist attractions of Patagonia.
The history of the plant is surrounded by an ancient legend, featuring a native prince and a beautiful commoner girl, who when he died and became haunted in a dazzling and tender yellow flower with red spots of blood, also There are red and white flowers. Flor
The Conguillio National Park and other areas of the region of Araucanía, southern Chile, also preserved amancay plant that has beautiful flowers of different colors. It grows between 300 and 1,200 meters above sea level.
Araucana. The flower Chilean Mapuche region of Chile in all its glory.
Their scientific names are: Alstroemeria Alstroemeria aurea or golden and is commonly known as Amancay, Liuto or Rayen-Cachu. The
Chilean amancay also state protected species and grows into a beautiful Mapuche territory characterized by forests, mountains, lakes and lagoons.
Conguillio National Park was declared a protected area in 1950 and is located 148 km northeast of Temuco, IX Region of La Araucanía. Located in the Andean foothills in the south, in the park include the Llaima volcano (3,125 meters) and the Sierra Nevada mountain range (2,554 m). The continuous activity of the volcano, which is characterized by two craters, has influenced for millions of years in the morphology of the region, creating lakes, rivers and dumps and influencing the flora and fauna.