Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Baptismal Table Decorations

Amancay flower sacred and legendary South

amancay As the flower of Lima, some legendary flowers, bearing the same name of Quechua origin, living in idyllic parks South American natural as in the case of Argentina's Patagonia and southern Chile Araucanía.

Since prehispanic times the Amancay or Amancae ( Hymenocallis Ismene amancaes or amancaes ) is a sacred and legendary plant whose flower has become the heraldic symbol of the city of Lima.

Self-Andean hills or buttresses that surround the valley of Lima, is fed from the fine drizzle and fog in the area moist and blooms once a year in a very short period, the last two weeks of June.

The amancay arises from a bulb-like white onion (underground stem). Its leaves are bright green and the flower is similar the bell. It is yellow with green veins. In the base has long petals in a star.

LIMEÑA . In the last week of June heraldic flower shines in the rocks dePachacámac Lima.

Experts say that in reality is a wild species to extinction centuries ago covered the entire coastline of the South Pacific, from the current department of La Libertad to the north of Chile. Botanical and entities

defenders of our environment made significant efforts to prevent the total extinction of this beautiful plant that lives in small areas wild heights of the Rimac valley.

past eight years and Association Cementos Lima Atocongo preserved to this and other species of wildlife in the sanctuary of Amancay, which extends over a wide and rugged terrain of the mining concession in Pachacamac Cristina. There

pre-Inca pottery which is engraved amancay flower. The viceroyalty was established on June 24, the Feast of Amancaes, in honor of San Juan Bautista, which was held in a plaza next to the hills that surround the current district of Rimac

Legend of Bariloche

Investigating and looking for more information on the origin and development of amancay gave us with surprise that there are other beautiful plants with delicate flowers and lush, equally legendary, growing up in Argentina's Patagonia region and the Mapuche of Chile.

amancay also call or Amankay, voice of the Quechua root, according to numerous studies, means "eternal love", "eternal flower" or "sacred ground."

LEGENDARY. A beautiful Indian legend of mystery surrounds the flower of Amancay de Bariloche.

The species grows and flourishes in Argentina Bariloche, located in the Andes of Patagonia Bariloche

a major tourist area. There is Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, in the southwestern province of Black River, near the Andes, on the southern shore of Lake Nahuel Huapi. Nature reserves include lakes, forests and mountains.

Like Amancay the Sanctuary of Pachacamac, the town of Bariloche protects amancay with regulations prohibiting cut flowers or plant extraction.

The Alstroemeria aurea, known as Amancay in the region, is an herbaceous, rhizomatous stem, underground, measuring about 60 cm. Its leaves are long, of five to six inches, color medium green. After the winter ended in February, its rhizomes sprout and when the temperature begins to increase its buds open into a flower with its own light that contrasts sharply with the surrounding green and brown. Its petals are red thread tours.

Argentina embassies worldwide spread posters with beautiful flower amancay as one of the major tourist attractions of Patagonia.

The history of the plant is surrounded by an ancient legend, featuring a native prince and a beautiful commoner girl, who when he died and became haunted in a dazzling and tender yellow flower with red spots of blood, also There are red and white flowers. Flor


The Conguillio National Park and other areas of the region of Araucanía, southern Chile, also preserved amancay plant that has beautiful flowers of different colors. It grows between 300 and 1,200 meters above sea level.

Araucana. The flower Chilean Mapuche region of Chile in all its glory.

Their scientific names are: Alstroemeria Alstroemeria aurea or golden and is commonly known as Amancay, Liuto or Rayen-Cachu. The

Chilean amancay also state protected species and grows into a beautiful Mapuche territory characterized by forests, mountains, lakes and lagoons.

Conguillio National Park was declared a protected area in 1950 and is located 148 km northeast of Temuco, IX Region of La Araucanía. Located in the Andean foothills in the south, in the park include the Llaima volcano (3,125 meters) and the Sierra Nevada mountain range (2,554 m). The continuous activity of the volcano, which is characterized by two craters, has influenced for millions of years in the morphology of the region, creating lakes, rivers and dumps and influencing the flora and fauna.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Sharp Elbow Pain Pushing

footprint leaves us

a fighter has died in Peru's labor rights

Great fighter and journalist association uncompromising defender of the rights and freedoms of its people, Guillermo Lazo Sheen has gone silent on Saturday June 27, but we Flag bequeaths unbeaten social justice.

His physical disappearance does not mean a "huge void difficult to fill" as they say on the death of a great fighter. In this case, its leadership remains in effect, the tasks he has been sharing until his last days are there as an example and challenge for us and for Peruvians to come.

On 29 April last year the Government decorated with William at the Government Palace with the Knights of Labor, along with figures like journalist and former Minister of State Bertorini Alfonso Grados, Luis Jaime Cisneros educator and writer Estuardo Núñez Hague.

Rare but necessary recognition of a social activist who for more than half a century was able to stand firm alongside the workers, supporting prisons, persecution, marginalization and a thousand other troubles due to stubbornly oppose groups political and economic power in all governments.

Until the last moment, overcoming physical difficulties of its 86 years of age and heart problems, was firm to coordinate with the leadership of the CGTP the most suitable actions to consolidate and strengthen the union struggle in these critical days.

In the hardest years of the Fujimori dictatorship tireless remember him as a columnist for the daily La Republica fighting against the machinery of power that swept large labor victories that had cost so much sacrifice the workers of our country.

When the country returned to democracy, the pen of William continued waging battles in defense of the rights of workers universally recognized, but systematically enslaved and groped el Perú.

El 15 de enero del año 2004, publicó en La República el artículo: 85 años de las ocho horas plenamente burladas.

Allí denunciaba la complicidad de la Autoridad de Trabajo con los empresarios que hacen tabla rasa de un derecho laboral fundamental: “Hace 85 años, el 15 de enero de 1919, los trabajadores conquistaron la jornada de las 8 horas, que se mantiene como oficial solamente en el papel. Los empresarios han "flexibilizado" este derecho imponiendo dos a cuatro horas adicionales sin pago alguno, como aporte voluntario del trabajador para reactivar la empresa. No aceptar esta "colaboración" puede terminar con el despido”.

Recuerdo que, en los años 70, in my undergraduate years, without knowing him personally, carefully read your column Eight Hours in the newspaper Expreso.

was a great union organizer (Grace House, Faucett), leader (Central Association of Private Enterprises in Peru, Faucett Union, Federation of Civil Aviation), Advisor (Banking Federation, National Confederation of Industrial Communities (CONACI), Trade Union of Telephone Workers of Peru.
participated in the reconstitution of the CGTP in 1968 integrating Unifying Trade Unions Committee (CUOS), and was one of the active leaders who organized the strike of July 19, 1977 that ended with the dictatorship of General Francisco Morales Bermudez.

But the charisma and leadership of William covering aspects further breadth and depth of our human condition. He recalled with fervor to their land Cajamarca Cajabamba which preferred to call Gloriabamba as he called Bolivar.

His pride was undeniable when he evoked his father's teacher Tomas cajabambino Sheen Murga and gaze lovingly licked him when he spoke of his beloved mother, Dona Victoria Lazo Gonzales.

Friend and endless contertulio workers, poets, teachers, academics, artists, retained some manuscripts of youth verses that spoke of love and unwavering hope for a life of solidarity and shared to everyone.
"I was not born to do it but fighting lines, but no matter, if I am not a poet, my life is a poem," he said in one of our many nights of bohemia.

was born on October 12, 1923, so celebrating his birthday on "race day", or "Indian" or "peasant", until someone came to celebrate the "500 years of encounter of two worlds. " He

October 12 closest friends we met at his office to congratulate Camaná shred Sheen Guillermo Lasso its 500 years. Laureano Carnero Checa gave him a box of bottles of tequila brand name "Centennial" and all signed a scroll. This was of jocund and witty bohemian life of this beloved friend that leaves a deep imprint.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Electric Box Level 19 Deutsch

Guillermo Lazo Yehude Simon Sheen breach commitment to Chota

MTC decide in August whether road paving Chota-Chiclayo is viable or not

CHOTA, Cajamarca. Although last year the President of the Council of Ministers, Yehude Simon, ensured that the asphalting of the road Chota - Chiclayo begin no later than this June, recently culminated on July 26 studies for the work, as schedule HOB company Consultores SA, which runs them.

The company must submit its final draft report to the Ministry of Transport and Communications in August yet know whether to approve the project's viability.

Based on the technical explanations of the representatives of HOB, president of the committee for asphalt, Professor Gerardo Agip, reported that this month is by no means start execution of the work as promised Simon.

GO PRAY. Hundreds have died in the cliffs of the road Chota - Chiclayo as officials promise forever tarred (Photo: Blog RENOM day)

To quell protests Chotano tired of listening to all life's promise of paved road, the premier and the head of the health sector, Óscar Ugarte, visited the town of Chota last November and met with authorities and representatives of local organizations.

After being declared illustrious guest, Simon announced that this June would begin work on the stretch of road Chota-Cochabamba. He added that already had the budget for the work.

were no more than new promises.

on the long-awaited work, Agip said that in the coming days to meet with the inhabitants of the district of Cochabamba to define the dumps to locate in the area.

Hopefully this time the preparations are not in vain and finally become a reality this important project as all governments have promised in their electoral campaigns to drive out the trash after just claim of the Chotano.

Sources: Andinaradio.net , National Liaison

More on the road CHOTA - Cutervo

Polymyositis Paralyzed

Cuba and the eye of time

Foreign Ministers of the Organization of American States (OAS), meeting in Honduras, reached an agreement Tuesday to repeal the 1962 resolution by which excluded Cuba from that body, and correcting a serious historical mistake made 47 years ago.

received the news just as he reviewed a copy of Life magazine in English for 1963

Life in English was a major American magazine. In my teens, despite my early orientation towards socialism, I read with particular interest and sometimes amazement. It was one of the flagship publications of the communication and capitalist propaganda, anti naturally. But he had one great merit: their ideological line was not dogmatic, many of his reports had a stubborn commitment to realistic. His large photographic displays and their stories - when they wanted to be "objective" - \u200b\u200ballowing the reader to see, or at least sensed, realities that exceeded the purpose or the political affiliation of the editors of Life and their mentors.

In the first half of April, 1963 Life released a special edition which offers a unique graphic chronicle from "Castro's Cuba" achieved by the famous French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson. On the cover appears a young Fidel Castro guerrilla uniform and a call that says: "The people Cuban seen for the first time since he was subdued. "

Henri Cartier-Bresson was one of the greatest photographers and travel writers of the twentieth century. One of his biographers has described as the "Eye of the Century." Quintessential image hunter, portrayed Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Marie Curie, Edith Piaf, Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara. He also covered the death of Gandhi and the English Civil War, where he filmed the documentary on the Republican side "Victorie de la vie." He was in the triumphal entry of Mao in Beijing. It was the first Western journalist was able to visit the Soviet Union after the Stalin's death.

now see that it was not mere chance that Life, in the same edition announced for its next issue comprehensive information on the "Top of San José, Costa Rica, where President John F. Kennedy will meet with the heads of state from Central America to address "the threat posed by international communism from Cuba." We dust

that memorable edition of Life in English. I invite you to review and re-read the stunning photographs and comments published by the great reporter in 1963. Verify that documents like this already transcended his age and their immediate circumstances to become now in the Eye of Time.

"If you carry identification signs, the Russians would be more visible than with their plaid shirts and square portfolios. Do not mix much with the exception of Cubans, like U.S. soldiers abroad, when asked cigarettes."

"The machinery of the communist nations draws more attention to the natives of those countries. A Russian coach (center, foreground) explains how funicona a tractor to a group of peasants who still carry style hats cowboys. "

"These girls seem take part in a modern ballet funny and out of the school cafeteria at lunchtime. Many changes, big and small, have occurred in Cuba, among them two very large and deep and are irrevocable: agrarian reform that has divided the large estates on communal farms in many rural workers, although they belong to the State. The other is the multiplication of schools and the dissemination of public education. The flamboyant left school with capacity for 5,000 students is raised in Havana, in a former military camp under Batista ... The government awards thousands of scholarships, and those who have enjoyed a special uniform that indicates their status as scholarship. It is a great work. but schools are also regimented. Students go to school with military step, and even sports are conducted with the strictest discipline. Students learn modern technology, but also receive a steady diet of Marxist theory and choruses, and that's what really assimilated.

"To finance the Russian fuel and machinery, the Cubans have sugar cane. At the time of the precious harvest is persuaded to "volunteer" to go to work several weeks in the reeds, while other "volunteers" working double shifts to fill those vacancies leave. The farmers wanted most was a piece of land. Instead, they have created communal farms, where all work and eat together. There food is plentiful and modern houses are built. "

" Partner of the government of Fidel in Cuba, Ernesto Guevara ("Che"), a man of great intelligence, impetuous and burning eyes seems born to set speed. Had it not been in Cuba would be somewhere else in the world. It is now Minister of Industry. "

More: CUBA